Transport Platforms

These versatile machines add an extra dimension of usefulness over a standard goods hoist by being capable of carrying both goods and personnel simultaneously.
We are pleased to announce that we now offer 4 models of Transport Platform – the Maber MB C 500, the Maber MB C 1000, Maber MB C 2000 and MB C 2000S .
The MB C 500 is capable of lifting 500kg of goods or a combination of between 400kg and 1 person and 200kg and 3 people
The MB C 1000 is capable of lifting 1000kg of goods or a combination of between 900kg and 1 person and 500kg and 5 people
The MB C 2000 is capable of lifting 1500kg of goods or a combination of between 1400kg and 1 person and 800kg and 7 people
The MB C 2000S is capable of lifting 2000kg of goods or a combination of between 1900kg and 1 person and 1200kg and 8 people
The MB C 500 requires an single phase 240 volt 32 amp power supply, while the MB C 1000 and above require 3 Phase 415v power supply on site. All must be erected within a scaffold tower or tied directly to the building. The platform must be run with the roof fitted when used to carry personnel.
Technical information on the platforms can be found on the Technical Specification Sheets tab above, or by clicking the underlined product name below
Our fleet includes
Maber MB C 500/120M
Maber MB C 1000/150
Maber MB C 2000/150
Maber MB C 2000/150S